Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Philosophy Wire: Ecology, Statistical Lies and the dark role of Science...

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2011-04-05]: Do you remember how many times "science" sounded the alarm for the increase of a harmful substance by 1% in concentration? Many times. Do you remember how many times "science" sounded the alarm for a 1% mortality rate of a new flu? Many times. Do you remember how many times "science" sounded the alarm for the increase of a chemical substance in the air or the water by a close-to-zero rate? Many times. Do you remember how many times "science" sounded the alarm for a nuclear accident in a developed country, like Japan? Very few (or...none, since sounding the alarm after being forced to evacuate many kilometers around a destroyed plant does not "count" as a warning)... Science found with the help of simulation models that the thousands of tons of radioactive water and the radioactive cloud coming out from the reactors in Japan are not harmful for human health...!!! [source:  web news 1, web news 2] Is was known to all that modern science does not deal with ethical problems: it just "discovers" things and does not care how this new knowledge will be used (see atomic bomb). But now science is transformed from ethically neutral to ethically dangerous... It seems that science serves only the interests of great pharmaceutical companies or of nuclear energy companies, instead of the interests of simple peoples. And a science that does not include human anywhere, is doomed to fail...

(c) Philosophy WIRES - Commenting world news from philosophy's perspective...

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