Friday, March 29, 2013

Philosophy Wire: Cyprus archbishop. As in "bad religion"

Philosophy Wire by Spiros Kakos [2013-03-29]: The archbishop of Cyprus has been making a series of statements which do not do credit to the Church and its mission. The only thing he seems to care about are the Church's money.
  • Case 1: Appeal in the High Court so as not to lose his stocks.
  • Case 2: A great statement: "Instead of the people, the state became poor [with the Eurogroup decision]"!!! What did he want? To have the people poor? Does he really relate himself with the state more?!?
  • Case 3: Meeting with Russian business men so as to... do business!
It is really a shame. Hasn't anyone told him that in order to gove love you do not need to be rich in Euros?

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